just another day in parent-dise…

January 21, 2010

The Mind of a 4-Year-Old

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kaela Green @ 12:57 pm
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This was just way too funny not to share!  I’m so sorry if you find this in the TMI category.

So for Christmas AJ and Ry got these hot wheels that change colors with cold water.  Well, after trying really, really cold water over and over again without changing colors, Ryan suggested that we try warm water.  Hmm, there’s an idea… it worked!   They get a bowl of warm water and a bowl of cold water and they come up with new designs on their color changing cars.  They love it and could do it everyday:) 

Tonight AJ’s doing the pee pee dance, if you have a preschooler, you’ve seen it.  I tell him to go to the bathroom.  But before he goes, he asks, “Is pee pee warm?”  (Do you see where he’s going with this?)  I’m thinking uh-oh.  I reply, “No, AJ, you cannot pee on your color changing car.”  ….You’ve gotta love the mind of a 4-year-old!

August 17, 2009

The Greens Triumph over the Rocky Mountains (well sort of)

We did it!  We went camping!  This time we actually ate dinner and slept in a tent (well sort of).  So we were in a tent, but didn’t sleep much.  

We had hot dogs and of course s’mores!  The boys had such a good time exploring with their cousins-The Texas Greens!   Although one of the boys was falling every 15 minutes.  My poor nephew, Tyler, fell and ate a mouth full of dirt.  He even got some war wounds out of it.  But they were tough (well sort of). 

It was a great evening of putting up the tent, moving the tent, bear proofing everything-yeah, there have been bears up there.  Golden Gate State Park, by the way, BEAUTIFUL!  I’ve decided Chris and I ROCK at the whole setting up and taking down part.  Seriously!  We could have our scouts badge already, but some people think there’s more to camping than the set up part.  🙂 

So after we had dinner, the kids played, Misty and I took the boys exploring…and then it was time to put baby Carson down.  I fed him and layered him up and put him in the pack ‘n play.  He took awhile to settle down, but finally fell asleep.  Yes!  The night is off to a great start (well sort of).

About 30 minutes later after Carson went down.  Ryan found a huge bug on Carson’s side of the tent.  I did not scream or anything!  golden gate camping-212And I am telling you this picture does not do it justice, it was a very large bug.  So Ryan’s way of protecting baby Carson and dealing with the bug was to throw, hurl rather, the ball at the tent, which then started a chain reaction-a bad chain reaction.  Carson was startled awake and this made him raging mad.  One thing about my sweet boy is that he can be a bit of a screamer when he is mad or tired. 

We tried to get him to go back down, but that just wasn’t happening.  We got him up with us and so began the night of no sleep.  He nursed and slept on me while I watched the moon travel from one end of the tent to the other.  At the beginning of the night, I snuggled in my new sleeping bag (that would later twist and not zip because I was holding my sweet Carson) and laid comfortably on the surprisingly cozy air mattress (that would be completely deflated sometime later that night) and thought, “This is going to be the best night of no sleep-ever.”   It was wonderful holding that sweet little baby that is crawling everywhere now and will rarely snuggle with me.   Little did I know he would be waking up ever 1-2 hours screaming inconsolably-that part not so pleasant. 

None of us really slept except the boys.  All but poor Tyler, he got altitude sickness and was up most of the night being miserable.  Which later a friend read a story about a baby who had the same camping experience as Carson and they found out it was altitude sickness.  Poor babies! 

I will still say we were victorious!

July 22, 2009

Ryan & Carson Playing!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kaela Green @ 11:33 am
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This is the new game that Ryan & Carson play!  How cute is this?!

June 12, 2009

Camping Disaster ’09

Allow me to set the stage for you:

A 5 yr old, a 3 yr old, a 6 month old baby, and two novice campers.

Our story begins on June 12th we leave at about 2:30pm.  We make one stop, King Soopers, because the baby needs bananas.  We’re off!  Finally, I’m told where we are going, Mary’s Lake Campground in Estes Park.  Which is so appropriate for our 1st camping trip because (here comes the mushy stuff) it’s where Chris and I first told each other “I love you” and where Chris was planning to propose-the weather ruined that plan too, actually, funny that we should be conquered again by the weather in Estes Park.

We arrive at approximately 4:45pm.  We have a plan because I’ve been reading a book called Kids & Camping-which Chris has teased me about for days!  The boys and I were going to collect wood for our fire, wait we find out that’s prohibited.  Plan B, we purchase wood for the fire.  The boys and I clear the big rocks from the area where the tent will go and Daddy is going to start putting the tent together.  Ryan and AJ both cleared one rock, so I guess they were done.  They were off finding sticks and exploring-exactly what I wanted them to do.  It was so great watching them run around the campground. 

We noticed the wind right away.  It’s barely 50 degrees and with the wind it was even colder.  It was pretty funny watching Chris try to get the tent set up.  It was equally funny watching me start a fire.  While we each had our jobs, Carson is jumping around in his hop and pop.  He has his warm onesie on, a jacket, and a hat…why didn’t I take a picture???

The tent was up in no time and I had successfully started a fire and kept it going.  Dinner was on and coming along great!  So far so good, we got this camping thing down.  Fifteen minutes later our luck, as they say, started to change. 

There were already two holes in the floor of the tent.  Oh great!  Of course, I’m worried about that because there has been rain everyday for two weeks.  The plan changes again…now I’m off to town to get a tent repair kit and a tarp, no we didn’t have one-and it’s a bit of a sore subject.  🙂  Meanwhile, Chris will stay withthe boys.  Since dinner wasn’t finished and I had  some hungry boys on my hands, I decide we’ll start with an appetizer, toasted marshmallows-of course!  I got them on the poky wire thing (yes, that is the official camp verbage)  But then I had to go because I’m on a time crunch, Carson needs to eat in less than an hour.  Before I leave I snap a few pictures from the van, then I have to go.   Little did I know I was about to miss all the fun camping.


Camping Disaster '09-2

However, beforeI go, I subliminally tell Chris to watch over our dinner.

I make it into town and find the visitor’s center right away, they point me to an outdoory store about a mile down the road.  They didn’t have a big enough tarp, so they point me to a True Value store…where is it?  Right across the highway from the visitor’s center.  Grrr, this is fun right?

I make it back right when little Carson is at his limit.  He didn’t take a nap in his pack ‘n play (in our torn tent) and now he’s hungry.  He was such a trooper!  Chris tells me they had such a great time and  that he sampled our dinner and was complimenting me on my camp cooking skills.  Unfortunately, that was about 20 minutes ago.  I pull the “hobos” off the fire and they are charred.  Not well done, charred.  I’m able to salvage a few bites for the kids to munch. 

Just about this time Carson rolls right off the air mattress on the ground.  He was okay, thank God, but Ryan is nearly in tears because he’s worried about his baby brother.  We love on our Carson and I begin to feed him.  It’s at this point when I notice the wind is gone.  It’s perfectly calm.  The weather was turning in our favor!  Or so I thought. 

The new plan is while I’m feeding Carson, Chris is going to repair the tent, be on rock removal and lay the tarp down.  Ready…break!  Chris starts his job, but after a few minutes, I get this feeling that we better set the back of the van up for Carson.  At the time, my reasoning was because he was so tired and we really didn’t know how long the tent repair would take.  We also get the boys in their warm clothes.  So I’m feeding Carson, the older boys are munching on what’s left of our charred dinner and Chris is pulling stakes.Camping Disaster '09-12

Ryan says, “Hey, it’s raining.” Chris asks me, “Is it?”  I don’t notice any rain drops, “No, it’s not.”  But then there was one.  The timing was so key here.  I move Carson into the van  to bundle him like the little brother on Christmas Story (“Mom, I can’t put my arms down!”)  and lay him in the pack ‘n play that’s in the van.  Just as Chris pulls the last stubborn stake from the ground, this wind literally comes out of nowhere!  Chris sends the boys to the bathroom for shelter.  Seconds later those sparse raindrops became a torrential downpour!  We are running around frantically trying to put lids on bins to keep our stuff dry.  The firewood!  I run it to the bathroom.  The mattresses!  Chris runs them to the bathroom!  The bedding is in the van, and I also check on the baby, he’s not sleeping, but he’s dry & warm, and not crying…yet.  Chris goes to check on the boys.  I turn around to see our once tent turn into a parachute.  I’m screaming, “Chris!  Chris!  Chris!”  He comes to the rescue and I ask him the pivotal question, “At what point do we call it?”  We didn’t need to discuss it, he starts breaking the tent down and I check on Carson who is now screaming.  My poor baby!  I climb in the van which is piled high with stuff, like the mountain we were going to hike.

What a 1st camping trip!  At 8:00pm we pulled out of Mary’s Lake and Campground headed home to sleep in our non-ripped, floored warm beds.  But before I leave you to laugh at us in our naivety, I will close with this:  After the rainstorm passed us, AJ comes out of the bathroom with his pajama shoes (as our kids call them) and undies down at his ankles, walking toward me dragging his pj’s in the mud and water.  All he says, “Um, Mama, I need a little help.”  Don’t we all, son, don’t we all?

Camping Disaster '09-7

Camping Disaster '09-10

The wreckage after the storm.  Notice the charred tinfoil-everywhere!



"Seriously, I'm 6 months old.  What were you thinking?"

"Seriously, I'm 6 months old. What were you thinking?"

Camping Disaster '09-14

June 10, 2009

Things I hear on any given day…

Filed under: random,Uncategorized — Kaela Green @ 6:11 am
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“Do you see that big tornado with dust and debris?

“This is Rocky Canyon, there is an avalanche making fire in the mountains!  Copy that.”

“AJ, let’s color together.”

“He’s (Carson) so happy, Mama!”

“I made it just for my brother.”

“My baby is so cute!”

“Mama!  Come see what I built!  I’m good at building.”

“Oh no!  I see a tornado touching down in the east!”

“Good team work!”

“You’re right, Ryan, you’re right!”

“Yummy, yummy gummy worms!” (peas-I know, I don’t get it either.)

“So how is your day, Mama?”

While listening to Klove:  “Hey!  That’s psalm 106!”  (No kidding!  That came out of my 3-yr mouth!)

“Did you know water makes me happy?”  (Again my 3-yr old!)

“Did you know milk makes me silly?” (Guess who?) 

“Mama, is that cool or what?”

“What do you want to be when you grow up, Mama” 

To which I’d have to reply, “A Mama!” 
…love being a mom!

June 5, 2009

Oh AJ!

Filed under: AJ — Kaela Green @ 1:47 pm
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AJBefore you go saying, “Oh that’s so cute!”  (Please say the following inyour best Paul Harvey voice)…Let me tell you the rest of the story:

So I peak in on AJ because earlier when he was supposedto be napping he decided that he was going to go poo-poo by himself (and wipe).  I’m tucking him back in bed, but now I’m stripping the bed, the pillowcase, and yes it’s even on the wall.  How he manages to get it on the wall, but not the carpet is something that will alway amaze me and something I’ll always be grateful for! 

Round two.  I look in on AJ because now I’m sure he’s asleep and this is where I find him.  How cute is what I say, but as I’m walking downstairs to grab my camera.  I wonder, “Was that poo I smelled?”  (Now in your best Phoebe voice)…Oh no.  Yes, he used his baby brother’s Bumbo as a toilet and his big brother’s clothes as toilet paper.  After all, what are brothers for?    The poor Bumbo didn’t even see it coming. 

And now for something completely different…

You’d think by now this mother of three would know what it means when a 3-yr old is quiet…too quiet.  Trouble!  I made the mistake of leaving the washed strawberries on the counter while I tended to chores.  I returned too late to catch AJ “red” handed.

AJ & Strawberries-1

He had taken one bite out of each one and lined them up all in a row.  Oh AJ!

AJ & Strawberries-2

June 3, 2009

Rockin’ Ryan

Filed under: life,Ryan,Uncategorized — Kaela Green @ 3:56 pm
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Not much to say about this video…I think it pretty much speaks for itself.  I LOVE boys!

February 9, 2009

Flashlight Hide-n-go-seek!

Filed under: AJ,Chris the hubby,family,life,Ryan — Kaela Green @ 11:21 am
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Being a family is such a blessing!  I love to see tender moments shared between brothers and making up new games to play together.  Daddy and Ryan were giving Carson a bath the other day and I was able to capture this beautiful picture:


Ryan loves his brother so much and is such a wonderful helper!

Tonight we were playing hide-n-go-seek.  Which is always fun!  Especially when playing with a 3-yr old that hides and then yells, “Here I am!” before you can go seek him.  It’s so funny!  Then we have Ryan…when Chris and I seek we pretend we don’t know where he is.  Which when playing with a 4-yr old, you can actually hear where he hides…doors closing, chairs moving…you know what it’s like if you’ve played with a preschooler.   So we say, “Hmmm, I wonder where Ryan is?   Is he in the closet?  No.  Is he under the table?  No….”  and so it goes.  Well, it’s Ryan’s turn to seek.  He finishes counting to 20 and skips 16 again :)…he looks right at me (I’m under the table) and says:  Hmmm, I wonder where Mommy and Daddy are?  Let me stress, that he looked right at me.  It was too cute!

So Ryan gets a flashlight out, one of his favorite toys to play with and I get an idea.  Daddy and AJ team up and Ryan and I are a team.  We play Flashlight Hide-n-go-seek!  With all the lights out one team hides and one team seeks.  Ony the catch is you can only have the light to go searching for the other team.  It may just be my new favorite game.  I think it’s Ryan’s too!

January 24, 2009

Loving life as a mom

Filed under: life,random — Kaela Green @ 9:51 am
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So this is what it’s like to be a mother of toddlers:


Yes, those are peas.

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